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Conducting interventions, education and guidance in the field of students’ rights

Project Promoter: Stowarzyszenie na rzecz Praworządności w Szkołach "Stowarzyszenie Umarłych Statutów"
Proposal: 1st thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 27 762,00 EUR
Partners: None
Duration time: 01.11.2021-30.04.2023

In this project, we support school students on various levels of education throughout the whole Poland who experience unequal treatment, including humiliation, from teachers. In 2019-2020, we carried out a survey which showed that the problem of mistreatment of students’ rights affects up to 76.8 % of students. For example, 34.1 % have faced comments from teachers regarding their appearance. The existence of this problem is also confirmed by surveys carried out by municipal youth councils. It is also mentioned in the reports of the Supreme Audit Office on the state of Polish education. Within the project, we provide counselling on school students’ right through a Facebook support group, email counselling and online consultations. We intervene in cases of law-breaking. We organise a series of ‘Let’s talk about students’ rights’ worshops and meetings on education law and school students’ rights. We submit opinions, comments and recommendations to draft acts and regulations released by the Polish government on various aspects of education. We publicise the problem of violations of students’ rights all over Poland and encourage other NGOs to send in their opinions on released draft laws and propose new ones. The direct beneficiaries of the project are school students experiencing unequal treatment, who will receive support when their rights are violated. Indirectly, the project will benefit the whole school community, who will gain a greater awareness of education law and the chance to make the laws fairer and more effectively enforced.