Accessibility Tools

Action EDUreact

Project Promoter: Fundacja BEZLIK
Proposal: 1st thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 23 000,00 EUR
Partners: brak
Duration time: 01.12.2021-30.09.2022

Within the project we conduct educational activities on how to prevent discrimination and respond to sexual harassment and abuse at universities. According to the Ombudsman’s report ‘Experiences of harassment among female and male students’, as many as 40.7% of students have experienced harassment, and the perpetrators of one third of cases were male or female university lecturers. Preliminary analyses of the study conducted by the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan indicate that one in ten people surveyed has experienced harassment or abuse. Students lack basic knowledge on how to react to situations in which they are abused, or witness others being abused. They do not trust the university or the academic staff, and lack a sense of security. We want to raise awareness of this problem among a wide group of recipients, provide them with reliable knowledge and show them how to react quickly to situations of violence and harassment at universities. We conduct 15 anti-discrimination workshops led by experienced trainers, and 5 webinars in cooperation with the “Emancipation” Equality Education Scientific Club. We create an educational spot and promote it widely. The beneficiaries of our activities are mainly university students, but to participate in the events organised within the project lecturers and university administration staff have been invited as well as all interested people working with youth people and young adults. By reaching out to such a wide audience, we want to give impetus for further actions aimed at effectively counteracting discrimination, sexual harassment and abuse.