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Designing activities using the Design Thinking process. Part 1

On April 4, 2023, we held a webinar on designing activities using the Design Thinking method (part 1). The recording is now available to watch.

The 1st part of the webinar was dedicated to:

  • the role of empathy and ways to include people in the process of designing activities,
  • effective methods of needs assessment using available and free online tools,
  • techniques for creating innovative ideas in response to the real users needs.

The presentation was given by Noemi Gryczko – learning experience designer (LXD). She emboldens companies and institutions to create innovations, to experiment with engaging forms of online learning and to reach for more. She teaches how to use technology to engage employees, students or conference attendees. She designs e-learning courses: cohort, blended-learning and AI-based ones. She is an ambassador for EPALE, the portal for adult learning in Europe.

The webinar was hosted by Agnieszka Koszowska – member of the communication team of the Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme, working for the Information Society Development Foundation.

Watch the recording. Duration: approx. 53 min.

Download here:

Presentation: “Designing activities using the Design Thinking process. Part 1”

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